
联系人: 亚历克斯强
(202) 266-8279


The rise in building material costs is harming housing affordability as the cost of softwood lumber, 钢, aluminum and other imported materials and equipment exacerbate price volatility and drive up housing costs.

The rising material costs are made worse by uncertainties within the production process and when supplies will be available to complete homes in a timely manner. Another key concern is whether or not the homes will appraise at the correct price to reflect these rising costs.

Builders are doing everything possible to avoid pricing consumers out of homes while still maintaining competitive prices necessary to operate their businesses — especially given the potential long-term impacts on consumers.


供需关系:随着建筑材料需求的增加, 特别是在房屋建设的旺季, and as supply remains limited due to various factors like global shortages and disruptions, 物价自然上涨. 这是一个被称为供给和需求的经典经济学原理.

通货膨胀: 通货膨胀压力也导致了材料成本的上升. 当整个经济中商品和服务的总成本上升时, 这也不可避免地影响到建筑材料的价格.

全球因素: 建筑中使用的许多原材料在全球范围内进行交易. 地缘政治紧张局势等因素, 贸易争端, and changes in international trade policies can disrupt supply chains and lead to price increases.

可持续性倡议: There's a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable materials in the construction industry. 虽然这对环境来说是一个积极的趋势, it can put pressure on costs as these specialty materials often come with a higher price tag.



项目成本上升: 最直接的影响是对建设项目的成本. 直接材料成本占总费用的很大一部分, 即使是适度的增长也会大大增加项目预算. 这可能导致生产过程的延迟, 成本超支, 同时也增加了承包商和开发商的财务风险.

利润率降低: 对于建筑企业来说,飙升的材料成本可能会侵蚀利润空间. Contractors may find it increasingly difficult to price projects competitively while also covering their own rising expenses and indirect costs.

住房负担能力: 在更大的范围内, the rising cost of building materials directly impacts the affordability of new housing. 更高的建筑成本会以更高的价格转嫁给购房者, 这使得人们越来越难以买得起新房. This can exacerbate existing housing affordability issues and slow down the overall housing market.

房屋估值: Cost fluctuations make it more difficult for appraisals to reflect the true value of the home, because costs are rising too rapidly and builders are having to compensate on the front-end of construction by decreasing amenities available in the home. To learn more about the different approaches to appraisals, and possible solutions, visit 了解评估方法.


扩大: 木材贸易战争, 钢, 铝和其他进口材料正在不必要地推高住房成本. NAHB urges Congress to call on the administration to return to the table and negotiate a new 与加拿大的软木协议 并解决与中国的贸易争端.

有效使用材料: 控制材料成本的一种方法是更加注意和有效地使用它们. 这可能涉及到最小化浪费等事情, 尽可能回收物料, 并确保每个项目的最佳使用. 可持续实践可以帮助实现这一目标.

长期合同: Locking in material prices through long-term contracts can provide some protection against sudden price increases. 这样可以更好地进行预算和计划, 尽管它确实依赖于供应商-客户关系的稳定性.

谈判与精益建设: Contractors can negotiate directly with suppliers for better prices and work with them to find efficiencies in the construction process. 精益建设原则可以帮助简化操作和减少浪费.

替代材料: Exploring alternative or unconventional materials that are more cost-effective can be another strategy. 这可能涉及到使用回收材料, 不太知名的供应商, 或者以更低的成本提供类似性能的创新材料.

积极的采购: Buying materials well in advance of when they'll be needed can help lock in prices and avoid the risk of future price hikes. 这需要与供应商进行良好的规划和协调.


It's important to note that while these strategies can help manage the impact of rising material costs, 他们不会完全消除挑战.

The construction industry will likely need to adapt to this new reality of higher material prices for the foreseeable future. 这可能包括重新考虑项目设计,以提高成本效益, 寻找新的资金来源以支付增加的成本, 不幸的是, the inevitable passing of some of the increased costs onto customers through higher prices.

建筑行业面临着严重的劳动力短缺, 随着建筑业职位空缺数量的增加. 这种短缺是由多种因素共同造成的, 包括过高的退休水平, 在几个私人和公共建筑领域的大型项目, and cultural factors that encourage too few young people to enter the skilled construction trades.

另一方面, 半导体行业可能面临高达90人的短缺,在接下来的几年里,将有1000名工人下岗, 凸显了不同行业劳动力短缺的多样性.

材料成本的不确定性, 生产成本, and overhead costs presents a significant challenge for both the home building industry. 成本上升和供应链中断正在侵蚀建筑业的利润率, 使企业越来越难以盈利.

为了应对这些挑战, 这两个行业都需要采用创新的战略和技术. For example, automation and digitization can help improve efficiency and reduce labor costs. 另外, collaborating with suppliers and implementing just-in-time inventory management can help mitigate the impact of supply chain disruptions.

然而,最关键的因素将是吸引和留住熟练的劳动力. 这需要对劳动力发展和培训项目进行投资, as well as creating a more appealing work culture and providing competitive compensation.

通过应对这些挑战并适应不断变化的市场条件, both the construction and home building industries can navigate the uncertainty and thrive in the future.


The fluctuations in building material costs and availability are fundamentally reshaping the home building industry. 随着材料成本上升,供应变得越来越不可预测, builders will be forced to adopt more efficient practices and innovative solutions throughout the production process to stay competitive. This could involve everything from optimizing inventory management to embracing new 技术 and materials.

同时, the changing material landscape is prompting a reevaluation of business models and project strategies. Some builders may need to shift their focus towards more affordable and adaptable housing solutions, 而其他人可能会探索伙伴关系和合作,以分担成本和风险.

通过接受新的实践, 技术, 商业模式, builders can not only weather the current challenges but also position themselves for success in a rapidly changing market. 有了正确的策略和心态, 面对不确定性,房屋建筑商将能够蓬勃发展.